What is Shindig?
Shindig is a new project in the Apache Software Foundation incubator and is an open source implementation of the
OpenSocial specification and gadgets specification.
The architectural components of Shindig can be broken down as follows:
- Gadget Container JavaScript -- core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality. This
JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API.
- Gadget Server -- an open source version of Google's gmodules.com, which is used to render the gadget
XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript.
- OpenSocial Container JavaScript -- JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container
JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore).
- OpenSocial Data Server -- an implementation of the server interface to container-specific information,
including the OpenSocial REST APIs, with clear extension points so others can connect it to their own backends.
Downloading periodic builds of Shindig
We currently do not have an automated builds infrastructure set up to offer periodic builds yet, but hope to have
it available soon. Check back here in the near future for downloadable builds of Shindig.
In the meantime, please visit the Building Shindig tab for instructions on using the code in the repository.
Building and running Shindig
The following steps provide useful information on how to build and run Shindig.
In order to build Shindig, you must have the following:
- Java (JDK/JRE) 1.5 or later installed on your system and the JAVA_HOME environment variable set.
- A Subversion client installed in order to checkout the code.
- Apache Maven installed to perform the build.
Create a subdirectory and checkout the Shindig code from its Subversion repository
mkdir ~/src/shindig
(or wherever you'd like to put it)
cd ~/src/shindig
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/shindig/trunk/ .
To build a Web Archive (WAR) file for the Gadget server and run tests, perform the following:
- Make sure you have the prerequisites installed first.
cd ~/src/shindig/
- Once the build successfully completes, you can install the built WAR files located in the /target
subdirectory onto your JEE server.
To run the code and start a Jetty server that will run on at localhost:8080:
To run the Jetty server on a different port, use:
cd java/server
mvn clean install jetty:run -DrunType=<full|gadgets|social> -Djetty.port=<port>
Once you've either installed the WAR file on your JEE server, or are running locally using the Jetty server, you
can test the Gadget server using:
- http://localhost:<port>/gadgets/ifr?url=http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml
These steps, after completing the previous section, will allow you to build from within Eclipse using the Maven2
plugin. You should first install the Maven plugin, then create the new Java project.
- Create
consisting solely of
- Install the Maven2 plugin
- Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install
- Search for new features to install
- Create a new remote update site for the Maven 2 plugin
- Name: Maven2 - Sonatype
- URL:
- Select the site and click "Finish"
- There are optional dependencies on mylyn and subclipse. If you don't have these plugins, you can get them here. Otherwise,
select only the Maven Integration plug-in.
- Complete the installation
- Setup new workspace and project
Creating a new workspace eliminates the performance cost from existing projects and makes it easier to manage the
- File -> Switch Workspace -> Other...
- Select directory to store workspace
- Do not select a parent directory of the shindig source (e.g. ~/src/shindig) as Eclipse won't allow you to
create the Java project.
- Something like
would work fine
- File -> New -> Java Project
- Name the project. The instructions below will assume "SHINDIG".
- Select 'Create project from existing source' and navigate to
- Click Finish
- If you see a dialog for "Open Associated Perspective", click Ok. Don't worry about the errors after
loading as they will be fixed in the next step.
- Right-click the project, select
Maven : Enable Dependency Management
- Right-click the project, select
Maven : Update Source Folders
- Optionally, if you would like to be able to browse or step into the code of your dependent jars when
debugging, you need the source jars. Right-click the project, select
Maven : Download Sources
Eclipse will automatically know about these sources when debugging. You can browse them under Maven
in your project.
- If you'll be using AllTests to run tests or generate code coverage stats, adjust the project's output folders.
- Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source
- Locate and open
- Select
Output Folder: (Default Output Folder)
and click Edit...
- Select
Specific Output Folder
- Enter
and click OK.
- Repeat for
To generate code coverage statistics inside of Eclipse, install the EclEmma plugin. Then
- Open
- Right-click in the class, and select
Coverage as -> JUnit Test
To debug the server in Eclipse, follow the last two steps here (takes a few minutes to set up):
- "Using eclipse external tools"
- "Attaching to the server running in debug mode, using eclipse"
Note: You must have set up Eclipse to build the code or do mvn package
yourself after making
changes, but you won't need to restart Jetty to see your changes.
Caja is an important part of OpenSocial that greatly enhances JavaScript security. Caja is managed in a separate
open source project hosted by Google code projects. For more information on Caja, see: http://code.google.com/p/google-caja/wiki/CajaEasyIntro
- Load this page: http://localhost:8080/gadgets/files/samplecontainer/samplecontainer.html
- Point it to this gadget: http://localhost:8080/gadgets/files/samplecontainer/examples/SocialHelloWorld.xml
To see the cajoled code (Firefox only), right-click inside the iframe and do "This Frame -> View Frame Source"
java/README for original
instructions on how to start up any of the java shindig servers.
Read php/gadgets/README
for original instructions on how to start up the php shindig server.
Read javascript/README
for instructions for using the Shindig Gadget Container JavaScript to enable your page to render Gadgets using
gmodules.com or a server started up as described above.
How to contribute to Shindig
Shindig is strengthened by accepting quality contributions from a wide variety of sources. These steps serve as
an in-progress guide to contributing code into the source
code repository for Shindig.
For new people to the project, creating patches is the way to get started and build your reputation.
- Start editing the code, since Subversion is being used no checkout is needed
- Move to top level folder, e.g.
cd ~/src/shindig
- Generate diffs using
svn di > fix-xxx-bug.patch
- If needed, remove from the patch file any changes you do not want to submit until later
- If you're new, create an account on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHINDIG
- Create a new issue with the patch:
- Follow the "New" link: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa
- For the "Issue Type", select "Bug", "Improvement" or "New Feature"
- Click "Next>>"
- Enter summary / description and select the component
- Click "Create"
- Click "Attach file" and select the
- Check the "Grant license to ASF for inclusion in ASF works" option
- Click on "Watching" and then click on "Start" watching to get updates
The newly created issue will automatically be sent to shindig-dev@incubator.apache.org.
You should also subscribe using shindig-dev-subscribe@incubator.apache.org
to see all the feedback, in which case you'll get the updates on the issue without needing to "Watch" them individually.
If you have commit permission, then you can submit directly from subversion and should also look at patches
provided by others.
- Move to top level folder, e.g.
cd ~/src/shindig
(you might find it helpful to create a separate
tree from your working tree)
- Apply patch:
patch p0 < mychanges.patch
svn commit
- For the log message put
Applied patch for JIRA issue SHINDIG-XXX
, where XXX is the JIRA issue
number you are applying the patch for. This will automatically update the JIRA issue with a link to the subversion
commit. You don't need additional comments as the JIRA issue should contain enough information already.
To file bugs or feature requests, please use Shindig's issue tracker (JIRA):
- Login to the issue tracker (top right corner) or follow the instructions to make a new account (anyone can
make an account).
- Once logged in you should be able to see all of Shindig's open issues.
- If the issue has not been filed, use the "Create a new issue" link (this will not be shown if you are not
logged in).